Healthcare - ICT

Healthcare – Information Communication and Technology.

Information Communication and Technology

Healthcare information management and effective communication are vital for healthcare service providers, payers, the public, and the government. When these two aspects are executed, monitored, and controlled efficiently, the healthcare practice is considered to be effective as well as efficient.

The healthcare services providers have to tune their clinical and non-clinical workflows, in line with the prevailing medical standards (set by NABH & JCI) and the ongoing advancements in medical technology. The Hospital Information System (HIS) helps to eliminate redundancies within the system thereby improving efficiencies and productivity. When there is a healthcare ICT system, hospital administrators can easily evaluate their operational mechanisms. They can even tally the same with the latest global healthcare standards to comprehend the health system complexities/efficiencies across the world.

We assist hospitals in planning, sourcing and implementing healthcare data management system such as Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Practice Management Software (PMS) such as HIS that assist doctors and healthcare administrators in scheduling, billing and other resource planning activities, Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Radiology Information System (RIS) that assist administrators and medical practitioners in day-to-day hospital operations and also in improving productivity.

 With the launch of ‘Healthcare ICT’, sharing of ideas regarding the most modern medication and treatment methods is possible between physicians, nationally and globally. This increases the quality of various therapeutic functions. Thus, hospital management can offer the latest possible treatment facilities to their clients. 

  • Smartly prepared ICT will increase the preciseness of healthcare management services, because of the possible trimming down of the error creation.
  • This will augment the efficacy of the operational system.
  • The quality of the healthcare management services will get better and this will generate patient satisfaction.
  •  Healthcare ICT will make organizational management cost-effective; thus, hospital management can offer quality service to the clients at an affordable cost.

Our system managers will help you to set up the ideal state-of-the-art ‘Healthcare Information Communication & Technology Infrastructure’, shielded with the vital security options like the ‘cyber security’, ‘data security’, etc. This will be precisely in concordance with the most modern technological inputs and by considering the current global healthcare scenario.

A resourcefully created ‘Hospital Information System (HIS)’, which is cohesive and which will not get weakened in the immediate imminent years is a prerequisite for running healthcare management services successfully. This system must cover all the branches of the hospital management such as the managerial, therapeutic, pecuniary, and statutory subjects. Consequently, hospital management functions will become more cohesive and functional. Unproductive working hours can be tackled effectively, which will increase productivity.

You can rely on our expertise to get your hospital management system workable and productive. We guarantee enhanced operational efficacy, superior treatment options to your patients, and above all, cost-effectiveness. We have joined hands with prominent healthcare technology solutions provider for assisting our clients to set up technology-enabled healthcare practice, tele-health and tele-radiology facilities.

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+974 6668 3975

+1 305 467 1606