Turnkey Solutions

Turnkey Solutions

Setting up hospitals or healthcare service centers is a highly strenuous task. Nevertheless, with the introduction of total healthcare turnkey solutions, the process has become simple. Entrepreneurs who wish to set up healthcare services can take professional help from hospital planning consultants. The hospital management will have to take care of a lot of paperwork, both at the government and regulatory levels. The best way to sort out things is to apply total healthcare turnkey solutions, which will make healthcare project management and establishment hassle-free. For this, the professional guidance of turnkey project consultants is essential. When it is a turnkey contract, the management concerned can just pass on the business-idea to the consultant who agrees to make the project viable and will take required actions to make it so. The contractor company will work on the project till it starts functioning efficiently and then handover the same to the management.

The turnkey projects for healthcare or hospital services involve distinct types of inter-connected tasks right from the initiation process. Healthcare project management involves different tasks such as feasibility study, developing funding & investor document/pitch, hospital infrastructure planning, medical equipment planning, procurement management plan, operations management, marketing, patient acquisition strategy, etc.

You can rely on our expertise and experience in the healthcare turnkey operations to make your dream come true

We have the practical experience of setting up several hospital turnkey projects. We will be committed to your project right from the beginning, with our total healthcare turnkey solutions that will suit your requirements and will assist you to achieve the set goals at the earliest. We have the professional expertise to address all of the entailed tasks of healthcare turnkey operations comprehensively and resourcefully. We will study your plan and will frame the organizational strategies in line with that, and we always ensure to discuss it with you before drafting any plans.

When you hand over your hospital turnkey project idea to us, we will approach it in a resourceful and pragmatic way. We will deal with the project by covering all the minute details precisely and perfectly so that the project stands flawless.

Our healthcare turnkey operation services

We manage a wide range of healthcare turnkey operation services prudently which in turn results in greatly beneficial for our clients.

  • We will do a full-scale infrastructural designing for your project, starting from the conceptual level to the final phase of the functioning level. This includes concept designing, space planning, and all of the involved architectural works.
  • The planning of the medical infrastructure, including the procurement of the required equipment, instruments, and other consumables will be taken care of by us.
  • We will also assist in setting up a laboratory, radiology, and diagnostic services.
  • The required manpower for both the medical and non-medical services will be organized by us. The planning will include the recruitment of doctors and the allied staff and the suggested remuneration for the staff.
  • We will assist in identifying the right vendor for the information technology platforms – HIMS & Hardware.
  • We will take care of the initial marketing and sales operations.
  • All the works connected to the branding of the services will be taken care of by us, right from the logo creation and the other supportive promotional activities.
  • We will pay keen attention and will supervise vigilantly with regards to the finance and the accounting sections. We will create an appropriate fiscal plan and a related budget for the scheme.
  • We will fix the revenue targets (volume and value) for the first year.
  • We will finalize the financial planning and targets and will implement various cost-saving measures.
  • We will draft a proper pricing structure in a professional manner.
  • We will set up various entailed services like the pharmacy, outpatient, and inpatient services.
  • We will build up strategic partnerships for specific services that will be advantageous to the client.

Contact Us

+974 6668 3975

+1 305 467 1606
